Thursday, June 21, 2012

Syrup Spill on Buttermilk Pike?!? Talk about a Sugar Crash!

Hungry Jack syrup truck spills onto Buttermilk Pike!

That driver must have had to BRAKEFAST!!

No one saw that coming! It was all done very SYRUPtitiously!

The driver felt so bad he promised he'd do BUTTER next time! 

He knew this time he had really JACKed up!

With all the syrup everywhere the locals are complaining they got flies on their Buttermilk!! shoo flies shoo!!!!

The clean up crew got right to work - there was no WAFFLEing around!

Nothing SEMIsweet about that tractor trailer!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Keno evil Hear no evil

300 Danish lottery players accidentally told they’re billionaires

They sure did make a LOTTO people mad!
When the 300 found out they were misinformed they got so mad they ran down to the lottery and spit on it!  not surprising though - they are Phelgmish!

When they asked the director who was to blame he of course PASSED THE BUCK onto his subordinates!

Now the people are getting second letters with the actual amounts they won! Sorry not $28 billion - you win $54!  wrong amounts of Kroners sure caused alot of Groaners! 

Next time they will have a better proof-reader to the letter that will actually denMark them up with a red pen!

One local asked if he would play again - he said you may as well you're Daned if you do Daned if you don't!

Borat Anthem has unexpected Kazak and effect at medal ceremony

Borat anthem played during actual Kazakh gold medal ceremony

When the medalist heard the wrong song being played, she didn't get upset, she just decided to grin and BORAT.

The article states that the award was given at the "10th Arab Shooting Championship in Kuwait" - this is either a bad translation or poorly named- Are they shooting Arabs and now they are on their 10th?  Or are Arabs finally learning to shoot and now they are up to a whopping 10!?  I guess the only way to find out is to kuWAIT and see what happens next year!

So when the DJ downloaded "Kazakhstan's national anthem" from itunes apparently he didn't notice the album was soundtrack to"Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan" Ever since he realized the error in his ways his head hasn't stopped SPINNING!

They were so offended by what happened - they held the medal ceremony a second time!  when they asked officials why he said "beKazak its the right thing to do"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another Valentine's day in the crapper

NYC sewage plant to offer Valentine's Day tours

You're supposed to give plants on valentines, not go to plants!

"The highlight of the tour will be the plant's giant egg-shaped digesters"  doesn't sound like a very egg-cellent birthday gift!  not eggactly what your valentine was thinking. 

What's their motto? All love birds love turds?!?

Who's idea was this?  pretty crappy I'd say! what a touribble idea!

Sounds like a huge WASTE of time to me!

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