Monday, January 31, 2011

Old lady MAYO maynot be guilty for putting condiments in library dropbox.

Woman who dumped condiments in book drop pleads guilty

The judge heard the case and is going to have to RELISH her arguments for a while.
She MAYO maynot be found guilty!
She should have know her actions would KETCHUP with  her!
She must have been quite mad to MUSTARD up the courage to vandalize the drop box!
She sure did get herself in a PICKLE with that one!
She must have really have has some CHIPS on her shoulder!
The book WORMS are now enjoying kethchup flavored dirt!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hotel made of Garbage - where have you BIN all my life?!;_ylt=At8C8J7kOPh7uhua.D3cNp_tiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJwZjk2dDNhBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMTIxL3VzX3J1YmJpc2hfaG90ZWxfb2RkBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDcXVvdHJ1YmJpc2ho

"In the day spa at the hotel they feature back rubs-ish"
"They have an amazing huge clock in the lobby - its a huge WASTE of time!"
"Daily dance performances featuring the Garbage CanCan!"
"We thought this place was gonna be a dump! Turns out it's just made of garbage!"
"Oscar the Grouch makes guest appearance at hotel opening!"
"12 tons of garbage that used to be on the beach - the new Wave of hotels!"

CataPotting - New Olympic Sport?!

And this is the hilarious story of CataPotting (catapulting pot):

Let the PUNs begin!

"I guess they figured the grass would be greener on the other side of the fence!"
"It's cannabis catapulting! It's canapulting!"
"They must have taken the idea of 'getting high' the wrong way!"
"After getting arrested they looked at each other and said 'well that idea went to pot!'"
"Sounds like a real grassroots movement!"