Saturday, February 26, 2011

Ice Cream! You Scream! We all scream for...Breast Milk?!

Breast milk ice cream goes on sale in Covent Garden

Not the BREAST idea I've ever heard!
Some people loved it and were all GAGA GOO GOO over the idea!
The PR folks for the garden are MILKING this story for all it's worth!
Others thought the idea was obnoxious and told the owners they were a couple of BOOBs!
Regulars to the restuarnt are timid to try it, it's taking them some time to LATCH ON to the idea.
Those with speical diets said they were LACTATING intolerant.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Girl Scout Thin Mints - Sweet and asSAuLTy!

Fla. Police: Dispute over Thin Mints gets physical

This woman brought rage to the whole house! Even her batteries got aggravated! 

Whoa, when she said don't eat my cookies, she MINT it!

Roommate claimed innocence and said she was giving the cookies to her children! Are you KIDding me?! 

The only Scout's honor in this story is this woman being HONOR way to jail!

Her roommate pleaded not guilty saying "Howard I supposed to know?"

Her roommate finally understood when she saw the SIGN- flying at her head!

Howard's husband was mad- he said she is skating on THIN ice!

$10,000 bail?! That's alot of DOUGH to pay over some cookies!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It's a marshmallow world in the brewhouse

When Good Things Come Together: Introducing Beer Marshmallows

Wow somebody has DRAUGHTed up a good plan here!
I bet there's S'more where that came from!
They must weigh those marshmallows in GRAHAMs!
I hear it's a great company to work for, great benefits, vacation, even days set aside for BEEReavement.
Everyone is so nice, relaxed and MALLOWed out.
What's next PINTo beans?!
Another case of POUR judgement when it comes to beer.

YoYo project had to pull some strings

Walk the Dog Around the World

What a couple of YoYos these people are!
How did they get all that wood? The must have had to pull some STRINGS!
Using all that wood is an act of TREEson.
Who WOODa thought you could build a yo-yo so big?!?
Neighbors told them they shoulda spent the year doing something else, and they coulda done so much more with their time. To which they replied "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shoulda coulda WOODa!"
Don't they know TRICKs are for kids?!?
They've really had mixed emotions about the whole thing- a lot of UP and DOWN! Up and down!!
Up next kids, my newest trick, Walk the Dogwood!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Man Tallying Bananas Goes Home at Daylight

Jamaicans today reported that their neighborhood banana man had closed up shop. Bobby Jones, known for his banana stand and ability to tally bananas, created this local establishment and was one whom many called friend. Islanders were shocked this morning when they arrived into town and saw no stand and no Bobby. "Who's gonna count our bananas now?" many wondered. They searched the area and found a note that read: Daylight come and me wanna go home. - Bobby

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crazy Mom Sues Nutella for NotTELLa -in her that it contained sugar and fat

A Mom Sues Nutella Maker For Deceptive Advertising

Really Mom?! You should have known BUTTER!
The first ingredient is sugar!  I guess she's hoping to sue and make some SWEET cash!
There is NoTella-in what this mom will be up to next!
When asked if it contained milk, she didnt know, said she just SKIMMED the label.
Nutella is so confident they will win they are already having a party to celebrate - the lawyers would like to make a TOAST.....
This mom put the GREEDY in INGREEDIENT!!
She has gone hazelNUTS!!
She needs to read the label and get her FATS straight!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ring around the rosies, ashes to ashes we all...get a heated pool!!!

London crematorium to heat water for town pool;_ylt=AkthidCEPvS53zwFdKhEOOvtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJzNWlncjJvBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMjA4L3VzX2xpZmVfY3JlbWF0b3JpdW1fb2RkBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDY3JlbWF0b3JpdW10

The Councilor should be given an award for such an energy-saving idea! After all she URNed it!
I hear people are just DYING to try the new pool!
Some people did not get the concept- they were just too SHALLOW.
Others said the idea was sick- but they were not out-of-the-BOX thinkers.
In celebration, there will be a ribbon cutting and grateful DEAD cover band.
The crematorium worker said it's a tough job, he's been working his ASH off.

Neighboring business owner didn't agree but shrugged and said "WATER ya gonna do?!"

Many Londoners said they didn't want to be the first to try this and that it would be more appropriate for LiverPOOL.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Super bowl with not-so-super singing- quite Aguinizing

Christina Aguilera's Super Bowl National Anthem Fumble: Another Reminder It's Not All About You

The writer makes a good point, it's not all about you Christina have some HUMilty. Everybody hums when they don't know the words!

They need to star-spangled BAN HER from singing that again!

The next bowl she should sing for is the toilet.

When they heard about this football singing faux pas in the UK, everyone was so shocked, you could hear Crickets.

It's the end of an aguilERA.

It was quite Aguinizing to listen to.

Green Bay told her she needed to PACKER stuff up and go!

The Steelers thought her version was the PITTS.

What telePROMPTED her not to look at the words?!?

The only field she was outstanding in was Dallas'.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Polish hunter sues for failing to find elephant excrement- what a load of crap that is not!;_ylt=AqIpbT9FPiRvAmIbaQlhD7DtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTM1NmluNzR2BGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMjAyL291a29lX3VrX3BvbGFuZF9odW50ZXJfZWxlcGhhbnRzBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDcG9saXNoaHVudGVy

The judge had a hard time determining which side to take- he said there was a huge GRAY area about the case.
The jury felt the anger in the Polish hunter's eyes- it was WAR they SAW.
He says his proof that there were no elephants and thus his right to sue is because there was no excrement?!? What a load of CRAP that is not!
The second time they sent him there he found an elephant right away. He really felt embarrassed then- said it was like there was a big elephant in the room!
His next vacation will be in TUSKany...either there or the IVORY coast.
He must have thought the German-based travel company had went CUCKOO.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diet will help uncross opossum's eyes? EYE don't think so!!

Heidi the cross-eyed opossum on a diet for health;_ylt=ArCS8r7cjG3J5KxE5_jkyYXtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJxaTViMWVtBGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMTMxL291a29lX3VrX29wb3NzdW1fZGlldARwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fYXJ0aWNsZV9zdW1tYXJ5X2xpc3QEc2xrA2hlaWRpdGhlY3Jvcw--

Maybe she should try eating some hot UNCROSSED buns?!
Or maybe she should just stick to a marSOUPial and SALAD diet?
She must not have had her lucky black EYEd peas on New Year's Day!
Heidi had some objections to her diet and said 'LETTUCE talk this over first'.
They told her to not to worry and stop being a CHICKEN, just eat the lean CHICKEN.
So she just pretended to sleep, but they told her they knew she was just playing OPOSSUM.
She's gotten so heavy she can't play HEIDI and go seek anymore!