Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Diet will help uncross opossum's eyes? EYE don't think so!!

Heidi the cross-eyed opossum on a diet for health


Maybe she should try eating some hot UNCROSSED buns?!
Or maybe she should just stick to a marSOUPial and SALAD diet?
She must not have had her lucky black EYEd peas on New Year's Day!
Heidi had some objections to her diet and said 'LETTUCE talk this over first'.
They told her to not to worry and stop being a CHICKEN, just eat the lean CHICKEN.
So she just pretended to sleep, but they told her they knew she was just playing OPOSSUM.
She's gotten so heavy she can't play HEIDI and go seek anymore!

1 comment:

  1. Hear about the new goverment sponsored diet? Their motto is no Behind left Behind! Gotta know there is going to be a lotta Pork in that barrel. If it is a success it will have end defficit! Just hope there is a trickle around effect, I think most people could stomach that!
