Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Polish hunter sues for failing to find elephant excrement- what a load of crap that is not!;_ylt=AqIpbT9FPiRvAmIbaQlhD7DtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTM1NmluNzR2BGFzc2V0A25tLzIwMTEwMjAyL291a29lX3VrX3BvbGFuZF9odW50ZXJfZWxlcGhhbnRzBHBvcwMzBHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDcG9saXNoaHVudGVy

The judge had a hard time determining which side to take- he said there was a huge GRAY area about the case.
The jury felt the anger in the Polish hunter's eyes- it was WAR they SAW.
He says his proof that there were no elephants and thus his right to sue is because there was no excrement?!? What a load of CRAP that is not!
The second time they sent him there he found an elephant right away. He really felt embarrassed then- said it was like there was a big elephant in the room!
His next vacation will be in TUSKany...either there or the IVORY coast.
He must have thought the German-based travel company had went CUCKOO.

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